CS499/579 | AI539 :: W25 :: Trustworthy Machine Learning

Term Project

One of the course objectives is to learn how to pursue a research problem of your choice and communicate your findings with others. You will have an opportunity to develop those skills in this class by doing a term project. You will form a team of max. 4 students for the term-project. (Optional) A student can work on a project individually if they want, but the expectations will be the same for the team with four members.

Project Topics
You have two options in choosing topics: Please use this Google Sheet [link] to form a team (by the deadline on syllabus) and sign-up for projects.
Your team should present the research progress three times; I have the following expectations:

Checkpoint Presentation 1 (10 min / team)
Checkpoint Presentation 2 (10 min / team)
Final Presentation (15 min / team)
Grading Policy (Evaluations)
Your term project will be evaluated with the following scheme (35 in total):

[Peer reviews; 5 points for each presentation] In each checkpoint, you will be asked to evaluate other team's progress (2-3 teams other than yours). I will provide a rubric for the peer review; you will also be asked to provide constructive feedback to those teams. Note that I will collect the reviews; they will be sent to each team anonymously.