CS 370 :: Spring 2024 :: Introduction to Security


"Why do we care about computer security?"
"What are the basic principles of computer security?"
"What are the areas of computer security (and research!)?"

If you have ever asked these questions at least once so far, this course would be the right choice for you.

This is an introductory course on computer security (and even privacy; exciting!) with an objective to learn basic security principles, expose yourself to the areas of computer security (and research; double-excitement!), and have opportunities to do hands-on practices. Here are the topics we will cover through 10-week with hands-on micro-assignments.:

This course employs the format of Capture-The-Flag (CTF) challenges. You will not only learn the concepts and techniques, but you will also have numerous opportunities to apply them to near-to-commercial-scale systems. This class should be fun!

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Course Information


Teaching Assistants (TAs)

  • TA 1: TBD | TBD [at] oregonstate [dot] edu
  • TA 2: TBD | TBD [at] oregonstate [dot] edu
  • Office hours: Please refer to Canvas

Course Policy

The University's Code of Academic Integrity applies, modified as follows:

Must: Please write down the students' names if you received any help from them. It won't affect the scores for your homework or projects. But, you will learn from this practice how to credit others for their services. It is an essential skill when you collaborate with others in the future.